Saturday, March 27, 2021

Walking for Wellness - Week 1

Hello there Adventurous Friends, this is where I'm keeping my eating & walking notes, if you'd like to follow along or maybe not.   This is my attempt to help me be accountable to shed a few pounds & maintain a more happy & healthy mind & body.  At my last yearly check-up, cholesterol had once again climbed to the point that the Doc wanted to put me on meds to get that lowered.  I suggested, I would try eating healthier & loosing some weight to see if I could get that lowered naturally.  Also, I'm hoping a little weight lose will tame down my leg pain that is perhaps from the sciatic nerve having to carry around that extra weight that has formed on my center, since I'm being honest here.  This was my 1st week getting back on the wagon, so I focused on being mindful of eating a little less & getting in a fruit & green veggie everyday.  I'm starting out weighing in at 185ish with a goal in mind of 140.  I'll get the official weight when I go to my next yearly check up at the end of the year.

I have tender ears & have to keep
them covered up if it's the least
bit windy.
Here's my Plan:

  • Eat smaller portions, take smaller bites, chew more 
  • Eat varieties of all the foods I like & not deprive myself
  • Eat at least 1 fruit & 1 green vegetable a day
  • Stop eating when full
  • Walk more
  • 1 small sweet a day, if any
  • Drink more water
  • No snacks after supper

* Sun  

Breakfast - 1 egg instead of 2, ate salad instead of bread, ate a smaller piece of meat by cutting off some.

Lunch/Sweet - fewer crackers & less peanut butter, drank water instead of coke on picnic, 1/2 Cadbury chocolate egg shared with Kevin

Supper/Veggies - smaller portions of everything, okra & squash

Drink - 1 cup of coffee, water

Exercise - Took several walks in the buttes during 4wheeler riding

No snack after supper

There was a fire years ago then the wind broke out the tops of the trees.  It was like
walking in a maze where the animals had made trails.  The view at the end was amazing.
* Mon

Breakfast - put less peanut butter on pancakes, no syrup (syrup gives me a big time sugar crash)

Snack/Sweetcoworkers birthday, 4 crackers with meat & cheese, lemon bar, didn't go back for seconds

Lunch/Fruit- ate till full, didn't eat last couple of bites just to clean plate, berries

Supper/Veggies - ate smaller portions, salad 

Drink - 1 cup of coffee, water

Exercise - walked to work, walked lap around town

No snack after supper

* Tue

Breakfast - ate less cereal & milk

Snack - boiled egg slices on top of 4 crackers, salty & savory, protein instead of a sweet

Lunch/Fruit - ate less, pear half

Supper/Veggies - ate less, green beans 

Sweets - None

Drink - 1 cup of coffee, water

Exercise - walked to work, walked 1/4 lap around town, longer dog walk during lunch

No snack after supper

* Wed

Breakfast/Fruit - ate less cereal & milk, pear half

Snack - boiled egg slices on 4 crackers, protein instead of sweet

Lunch/Veggie - ate less, green beans

Supper - ate less

Drink - 1 cup of coffee, water

Sweets - none

Exercise - walked to work, walked to park, longer dog walk during lunch

No snack after supper

* Thurs

Breakfast - ate less, put 1/2 in container for snack, ate till full & didn't eat the last couple bites just to clean plate

Snack - other 1/2 of breakfast; fried egg, 1/2 biscuit & couple tablespoons of gravy, protein instead of sweet

Lunch/Veggie/Fruit - ate less, green beans, pear 1/2

Supper/Sweets- ate one slice of pizza instead of 2, can of coke instead of several refills from 2 litter bottle then having some later

Drink - one cup of coffee, water

Exercise - walked to work, dog walk during lunch, walked out at the lake

No snack after supper

Thursday pizza & walking out at the lake.  It was a little windy & cold. 
We had to wear our big coats.  Geese were honking, flying in & out of
 the water. Rose got 3 cactus stuck to her leg.

* Fri 

Breakfast/Fruit - ate less cereal & milk, pear 1/2

Snack - boiled egg slices on 4 crackers, protein instead of sweet

Lunch/Veggie - ate less, salad

Supper/Veggie - ate less, ate fish patty without bread, roasted cauliflower & broccoli

Drink - one cup of coffee, water

Exercise - walked to work, dog walk

No snack after supper

End of Week Notes:  pants not as tight around the waist, didn't feel bloated 


  1. No snacks after supper is a hard one for me! I like carrot sticks for lunch:)

    1. I like carrots in salads. We canned carrots out of our garden & I like those. Yes, snacking after supper is a biggy for me too.

  2. Woo hoo!! Great job, girl. If I put wellness goals on my blog (which is a mess right now), it sure makes me more accountable. I like the idea of seeing what you are eating and getting ideas from your meals. We are doing Weight Watchers. Have lost about 4 pounds. Hope to get back to my 'fighting' weight in April.

    Beautiful spaces for walking. What a tangle of dead/burned trees. So sad and yet lovely in their own right.

    1. You said that right 'fighting' weight, it's a struggle for me. The 1st thing I think about when seeing a burned forest is arson, though most the fires here are set by nature. There are electrical storms, lightening without rain. Lighting strikes cause fires. During those storms; ranchers, fire department & forest service drive around & get on the look for those strikes of fire. A small strike nearby a storage of hay can destroy it in a matter of minutes.

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