Friday, July 31, 2020

Pirate & other end of July Happenings


My birthday came & went without a hitch.  Thanks to all the birthday wishes & reminders that I'm now a year older than I was last month.  Kevin & I made our goal of camping every weekend in July.  We saw some pretty amazing things including a hawk carrying a snake that I didn't get a picture of because I was - thunderstruck.   Next, we'll be heading to Daughter's wedding & my routine will be changing when I bring home my Rose.

Buffalo herd raised domestically, though graze on thousands
of acres as if they roamed wild.


One of the Grands went to the beach with his friend.  He gave captions about his adventure to go along with his pictures for me to share.  He does a little writing himself & also makes videos.
Explored the ocean.

The beach has been fun and Florida has so much to do! We’ve done so much so far into the week and we still have so much left! Because of the coronavirus we couldn’t do a lot of the things we wanted to do but we were able to do some fun things, maybe next year if I go with Friend to Florida again we can do all the things we couldn’t do this trip!
Did some site seeing.

* What different food did you try?
I tried manyyy new foods. Mahi Mahi & Salman. Shrimp, different types like blackend & grilled.

* What was your favorite thing to do?
This whole trip or during parasailing.

Did this.

We went parasailing as you can see and it’s more relaxing than the adrenaline rush I thought it would be. It was very calm and quiet and me and Friend's Dad just looked at everything we could see around us. It was very cool and we felt weightless as we were up there. We also got soaking wet from it! It was lots of fun though and I hope I get to do again soon!


Tried some different recipes using squash.

Squash pizza
Stuffed squash


We got several good hard heavy rains one that included wind & hail. The watering tubs filled up almost full too.  Some of the sunflowers fell over & Kevin staked them back up.  We have gotten an abundance of squash - zucchini & yellow long neck.  The squash are still coming on.

Before the wind knocked them down.
Passing down traditions - Grands picking tomatoes
from their raised bed garden.  


Organized some in the pantry while putting away canned goods.  Threw out old ice cream cones & taco shells that had been leftover from last year's Grand's visit.  Planned for several meals to use up items that needed to be used up, such as - what to do with a 1/2 bag of mini marshmallows?  Bake them on top of sweet tators, of course.  Scheduled with Daughter wedding menus & activities in the areas that involve me & Kevin in her upcoming nuptials.
Bride & Groom

Sitting on the hillside watching the sun go down. 

Health & Weight Maintenance

I've been making more of an effort to do more walking.  I need to make more of an effort to be more mindful to stop eating sooner, before I get too full.  Also not to eat snacks after supper & most of the time I don't, but sometimes I do, like making those brownies the other evening while it was raining to get them used up.

Walked way way... out the road & back.

Prairie coneflower

Frugality, Savings & Spending

We've been eating vegies out of the garden & meats out of the freezer, so didn't do much grocery shopping. I sent Daughter a little money to help with wedding foods & groceries while I'm there visiting = coffee & popcorn & smash burgers!
Lots of butterflies on the thistles.  Noticed black spots on top &
white spots on the bottom.

Social & Community Service Activities

Went to Lions Club meeting.  Supper's main course was Swedish meatballs & mashed tators.  I should not have, but I did have a small 2nd helping.  Discussion was about hosting the annual pancake breakfast coming up during the town's Labor Day weekend festivities & then a horseshoe pitching & golf tournament the weekend after Labor Day.  After the meeting the men played cards & cheated. Oppps! I meant chatted.  The women cleaned up the kitchen & chatted.

Shared squash with coworkers & friends &
their friends & family & neighbors.

Other Activities

Kevin & I watched Win a Wilderness on Netflix.  6 British couples competed to win a homestead in Alaska.  We also started watching Alone.  This series takes place in the Artic.  Kevin likes those survival type shows.  I finished reading the Little House book I was reading & started the 8th book in the series These Happy Golden Years.
Looking off below the road.


These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how about you?

Monday, July 20, 2020

Haircuts & other mid July Happenings


It's my birthday!  Kevin & I got our fall haircuts.  We usually get our cuts in August, though we both had started looking a little or maybe a lot ragged around the edges.  Also,  Daughter's wedding is less than a month away & this gives our fresh cuts time to grow out from that naked feeling, I'm sure you probably know what I'm talking about & I need to look good for my mother-of-the-bride photo shoot.  After the 4th of July, feels like fall to me.  Fallish things start happening even though we have some of our hottest temperatures yet to endure.  We've got harvest from the garden & already done some canning & freezing.  Golden rods have started blooming & the fall bugs are chirping.  Kids are getting ready for back-to-school & football practice has started.

Had to wear our shades cause it was so windy. Rode right at 100 miles
 round trip during a camping adventure.  We packed everything we
needed for camping on the side by side & headed out from home.




I made a couple of peach cakes.  I made 1 then had leftover peaches, so I made a 2nd one. The 2nd one was not as full of peaches & stuck to the pan a bit but it was good enough.  I used frozen peaches instead of fresh ones called for in the recipe & they worked fine.  I got the idea from another blog I read The Occasional Nomads.  Pineapple upside down cake is one of my favorites & didn't know peach upside down cake was a thing.  Thank you, Laura, for the idea.
Upside down peach cake recipe


We got 1/2 inch of rain.  Picked lots of squash & several cherry tomatoes.  Little pumpkins are growing.  Kevin waters just about every evening.  The rain water collected in tubs has all been used up.

Kevin cooked the fish & I cooked the squash. Some with cheese &
some without. Kevin doesn't care for cheddar cheese much. A
friend shared the recipe on Facebook. Thank you,
Darrell Laura.  Look, I nailed it!


I got the Legos took apart, put back snug in their boxes & stored for safe keeping till the next Grand's visit.  Did some laundry.  With just the 2 of us, I do laundry about every other week. I could do laundry every week, though I wait till I have full loads in order to conserve on utilities a smidgen.  I cleaned the bathroom & gave the tub a good scrub.  I've stuck to my cleaning schedule about everyday.  The daily check off list I made for myself has helped keep me reminded to get things done.  
Bee balm blooms looks like little fireworks.


Health & Weight Maintenance

Been eating lots of vegetables from out of the garden & by lots, I mean squash....baked squash, fried squash, squash on the grill, zucchini muffins...
Walked around the rocks, under the trees, through the
wildflowers then back to camp.

Frugality, Savings & Spending

I cut Kevin's hair, hung laundry on the cloths line in the basement to dry & used warm up dish washing water to water flowers.  Opened windows in the early morning, late evening & during the night to cool the inside of the house.  Used the air conditioner sparingly = If hot, turned it on.  If comfortable enough, did not turn it on.  Vehicle insurance was due, so paid that.  

Staycation - camping every weekend in July.

Social & Community Service Activities

We had a nice surprise visit with one of Kevin's previous coworkers.  Cody, so good to see you.  Helped set up for Lions club bingo & donated some vegies out of the garden as a prize.

Shared vegetables out of the garden with coworkers & friends.  Made
zucchini muffins & shared at work for my birthday snack.

Other Activities

Read some more chapters in the Little House book I'm reading.  I watched tv in the evenings.  Started watching Ozark, but just could not get into it.

Bird watching while camping.

Doves don't make much of a nest.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how about you?

Friday, July 10, 2020

Legos & other beginning of July Happenings


It's my birthday month.  

Red, white & blue flowers on the 4th of July.


The Grands have been taking good care of my Rose.  I'll be getting her next month, if the Grands are able to part with her. 
6 of the 7 Grands & my Rose on the 4th of July.  
They love those bomb pops.


Kevin cooked ribs in the crockpot to get them good & tender, then seared them on the grillWe ate on the ribs for several days.....ribs & eggs for breakfast....rib sandwiches for lunch....

The camp cook warming up leftover ribs for supper.  We had a salad 
along with pork & beans with the ribs.  We gotta have our pork & 
beans when camping.


Kevin was tickled to see 1 inch of rain measurement in the rain gage.  He brought in the 1st vegetables of the season, zucchini squash.

Taking my daily walk ending with a stroll through the garden rows.
Tomatoes, carrots & squash growing here.

Zucchini fries for supper.


Washed up sheets & blankets.  Worked on taking apart Legos & putting the pieces back in their boxes, so the creations can be built again & again & again.  My goal was to take apart 1 Lego set each day.

I have acquired quite a few Lego sets though the years that help 
entertain the Grands when they are in the Lego building age 
stage.  The basketball was much easier to put away.

Health & Weight Maintenance

I've been walking most everyday, trying to watch portion sizes & stop eating when full.  I'm trying to remember to eat an apple for morning snack & eat something green with supper, though with the Grands visiting & going camping, I kinda forgot about the apple & green thing. I took an apple to eat on the drive to our camping spot but couldn't find it when I was ready to eat it.  When we got back home, there the apple was in the driveway where, I guess, I had dropped it.  I have a dentist appointment scheduled to have a chipped tooth crowned in hopes that the crown will save the tooth.
4 walks on the 4th of July while camping.  Look at me - 
wearing my fireworks shirt on the 4th of July. Festive!

Frugality, Savings & Spending

July is planned to be our "camping in a different location every weekend" month.  We use mostly reusable dinnerware & containers & reusable everything when camping.  Kevin's little camp stove had stopped working back last fall.  He was able to order a $5 part & fix the stove himself instead of having to buy a new one.  Kevin has had that camp stove about 40 years, he said.
Having my morning coffee while warming by the campfire in the early 
morning, quietly watching to see if a deer or moose or elk or big foot 
or bear (no, not a bear) walks into the grass opening down there.

Social & Community Service Activities

Had a fun group video snapchat with Daughter & a couple of her friends. We were in 3 different states, spanning more than 1,500 miles.  Kevin & I went to Lions Club meeting with supper provided.  We have a pancake breakfast coming up on Labor Day weekend along with a horse shoe pitching & golf tournament.
Daughter's wedding dress fitting.

It is spectacular to have a friend with your
same name & then they give you something.

Other Activities

I renewed my subscription to Netflix.  Grands got me stated back to watching The Office again, so I went back & started watching from episode 1.  Some other shows I continued watching from before - Gilmore Girls, New Girl, Grace & Frankie & a couple of new ones I took a peek at - Schitts Creek & Hoarders.  I read a few more chapters in my Little House book series.

Saw moose & elk during camping outing of driving around site seeing &
scouting out possible places to go fishing next time.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how about you?