Monday, November 30, 2020

Gratitude & other November Happenings

Hello there Adventurous Friends, greetings from South Dakota.  This is my November happenings, writing a little something about each day in a long drawn out sentence or 2, though on the 23rd of this month, my computer went wonky.  I did 1 backspace & all my sentences were gone.  Vanished, never to return.  I kept checking to see if the sentences had magically appeared back the same way they disappeared.  I got nothing....Boo Hooo!

I harbored hurt feelings for a few days.  It seemed like the keys on the keyboard were sticking as I typed.  Stuff would randomly pop up on the screen such as the emoji box, mostly it was the box that has cut, paste, etc...  Kevin blew out the keyboard with the air compressor & that seemed to help some.  I ran a knife along the edges of the right click button.  A hard piece of dust or food or something came out.  It seemed after that, typing was back to normal.  I moved on & decided I would do a short recap of my happenings since I didn't remember all those little things I did each day.  Here are highlights of others I've other I've linked up with.

How was your Thanksgiving and/or other celebrations?  Kevin & I had our Thanksgiving back in June when the older Grands were visiting...

We made an apple cake.

We made a wildflower bouquet.

& make deviled eggs.

The Grands helped prep food
Kevin carved the turkey & we filled our plates.

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, Kevin & I cooked together & had another sort of Thanksgiving meal.  Kevin found a pack of wild turkey in the freezer...
Cooked stuff we had on hand.

I made pumpkin pies too.

On Thanksgiving Day we had a day out & went to Cabalas...
They had up their Christmas tree.
Merry Christmas to me using card points.

Got a fun picture with Santa.

Ate at Golden Corral. 

Stopped by one of our fishing spots.

*  Participated in a Gratitude Photo Challenge.
*  Updated My Fall Bucket List.
*  Got all my Christmas presents wrapped, boxed & mailed.
*  Kevin & I got in several Sunday afternoon rides in the side by side & had picnics.
*  Read that my job is considering to offer volunteer early retirement & that sounds like something I would like to volunteer for, we'll see.
*  Made Kristina's breakfast casserole for supper with leftovers for several meals.
*  Made appointment for well women exam.
*  Facetimed with Daughter & Grands.  They showed me their Christmas trees. One upstairs & one downstairs.  Daughter has been having a little morning sickness.
*  Watched some Westerns then started watching Christmas movies.
*  Lots of nice days & took walks with Rose.
*  Holiday Give-a-way coffee & cookies are being given away by Laura.  Comment on her blog post to enter for a chance to win. 
Happy Birthday to Son-in-law Josh

Happy Birthday to Grand Olivia

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how about you?


  1. Sorry about your computer keyboard woes. Early retirement...and it sound like you will get a new grand too how perfect is that!

    1. Glad I figured out the keyboard woes. Just got this laptop last year about this time. 2021 does have a few things for me to look forward to, that is for sure & thank goodness.

  2. Oh no; so sorry you lost your sentences from the month. Sounds like you had a good one though.

    1. Yes November was a good month. Had some good weather. I was doing a combination of the Gratitude Photo Challenge with Sentence A Day. Lost the sentences but the pictures were saved in my pictures folder to be able to do the Photo Challenge.

  3. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family and figured out the keyboard issues. Enjoy December!

    1. Thanks! Family time is nice no matter what time of the year or Holiday it is. So far so good on the keyboard.

  4. Looks like you had a good month and a nice family Thanksgiving. Isn't it weird how a major computer issue can be caused by something ridiculously simple? Pleased you got it sorted!
    I took early retirement 2 years ago when I turned 60 and have never looked back - good luck making your decision.

    1. Oh goodness yes, so weird the simple fix to the keyboard. I think I will be like you & never look back after retirement. I think my decision is made if the opportunity comes back up.

  5. I am so sorry for your computer issues but glad it wasn't really a technology problem that would require lots of $$ to repair. My screen on my laptop is constantly blinking. I have written these 3 sentences without it doing so but when it starts it blinks almost constantly. Hard to type when you can't see where and what you are typing.
    Looks like you had a good month. Your granddaughter is a doll. Love the dimple. Have a tab open to check out the breakfast casserole recipe. It sounds delicious.

    1. I just got the laptop last year, so glad the keyboard was an easy fix this time. I 1st thought it was blogger acting up but then it was happening on all things I was typing. Your blinking issue, oh goodness that doesn't seem good either. Could that be a power issue supply issue? November was a good month. Daughter & several of the Grands have dimples. Seem dimples are more noticeable when younger. The breakfast casserole was good. We ate on it for all meals.

  6. Hello Karen! It looks like you had some fun this month--well, except for the computer issue. I hate it when I put so much effort into something only to have it disappear. Congratulations on have your Christmas shopping done, wrapped, and sent. I have finished most of mine.I usually like to have it done by Thanksgiving, so I can enjoy the rest of what the holidays have to offer. I hope you have a great December and happy holidays.

    1. The keyboard seems to be working fine for now, getting the December Sentences A Day started. Daughter got all the Christmas boxes & sent, so she is ready to have a little Christmas party opening the presents when they get an opportunity with all the other stuff they have going on with each of the kids & different family functions. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you & your family as well.

  7. I'm so sorry you lost your sentences. What a bummer :( Hopefully the problem is fixed now and doesn't happen again. Ugh.

    1. My typing seems to be good after cleaning the keyboard, we'll see. :)
