Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Gratitude Photo Challenge 2020

Hello there Adventurous Friends.  How you doing?  Greetings from South Dakota.  I hope all is well in your household.  Our county's Covid numbers are way down from last month.  There are currently 6 active cases with minimal community spread.  Now that's out of the way, let's get on to some funner stuff.

I participated in a gratitude photo challenge this month along with some others.  The challenge was fun & a bit of a challenge at times.  It got me to thinking how I'm truly grateful for daily activities & things that I oftentimes take for granted.  I enjoyed reading along as some posted their gratitude daily & weekly.


* Comfort food 
Homemade chili on a picnic

* Fresh produce
Our garden bounty

*  Home - me by the front door
"Come on in"

*  A favorite place to walk
The backyard

*  Nature
Exploring & learning habitats - deer horned lilac bush

*  Something in autumnal colors
Snack table I sat up at work

*  Warm clothes
Fleece lounge pants

*  Weather
Snow & ice - good day for going to the gun show

*  Favorite smell
Fresh cut grass

*  Keepsake or memento
Found on the beach - memories of playing
in the sand & ocean with daughter 

*  Pet

*  Best friend
Cherished near & far

*  Routine or habit
Make bed, wash dishes & empty the ice trays

*  Coziness
Blankets & a warm fire

*  Surprise
There was frosting!

*  Morning
Looking out the dinning room window during breakfast
Kevin makes breakfast, I pack our lunches

*  Evening
Working puzzles, reading, watching movies & mini series

*  Hobby
Taking pictures, making books & blogging

*  Work
Daily check-off list

*  Play
Playing ball with Rose

*  Warm beverage
I got the Grands personalized mugs 
to have hot chocolate in.
 (Christmas gift idea)

*  Good Health
Walking, sunshine & fresh air

*  Books
Little House on the Prairie fan

*  Quiet
Mornings before going to work

*  Family
We're all Superstars
in his eyes.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Good to hear the Covid numbers are down someplace:)

  2. I just shared my gratitude photo challenge too!

  3. So sorry that I haven't visited sooner. Love, love, love your photos. They are warm, and homey and comforting to me. I can feel your sweet heart coming through your camera's lens. The comfort food photo is one of my faves. Also love the morning photo. I have visited North Dakota and remember how you need warm woolly clothes for winter. You look toasty and well prepared.

  4. Oh, I love all these. Also, our produce pictures looked pretty similar and made me laugh!!! I'm so glad I knew you were doing this as your pictures are lovely.
