Saturday, August 19, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share
Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia.  How you doing this 33rd week of 2023?  I've been watching Steel Magnolias.  Season 3 is now on Netflix.  It's been a while since I watched the 1st 2 seasons, so I started watching it all over again from the beginning.  I was back at work after taking 2 weeks off.  Kevin & I got to go camping.  I had lots of quality time with the Grands, so vacation was good.  Kevin got lots of projects done while I was staying with the Grands last week.  Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you about some of Kevin's projects. I worked more hours on the job this week & about the only thing I accomplished was getting the bathroom cleaned.  Nobody wants to hear about huffing & puffing from scrubbing the tub, come walk with me...
I made chicken parmesan sliders. I made
these last week for the Grands.  I made them this
week for Kevin.  They were a hit with all.

Rose enjoying the zinnias as 
much as I do.  A bear stoled
the bird feeder.  Kevin found
the feeder up in the woods.  He
was able to put it back together
& hang it back up for the birds.
Kevin put up the trail camrea to
get a picture of the bear in action
if it came back.  So far, the bear
hasn't been back, that we know of.
Kevin talked to a neighbor &
apparently the bear is making
it's rounds though the

*  Kevin got apples & corn from a produce stand.  He made applesauce with some of the apples.  We ate some of the applesauce & he put the rest in the freezer.  He is drying some of the apples to make an apple stack cake.  We ate several ears of the corn & he put the rest of it in the freezer.  He also put up some more packs of okra & peppers.  
Apples laid out in the sun to dry.

Kevin made a gate for the garden.
  There are grape vines on both sides
 that he'll train to go over the 
walkthrough.  It's going to be
so pretty.
Kevin made a stone patio
area at the back door.  He
also did this at the front 
steps.  It looks so good.

The apples were referred to as deer apples.  The apples have bumps & bruises 
that make the price for the whole box a good deal.  The corn was so sweet &
delicious.  We cut the ears in half into severing sizes, so we don't eat too much.

We took a jeep ride but didn't
go far due to a tree across
the road.  We walked for
a ways & enjoyed being
out in the woods.
Another round of gorgeous 
tomatoes from out of the garden.
I shared these with coworkers.
BLTs & mator sandwiches
were brought in for lunches.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. We are back working in the dirt and the hayfields after several days of welcome rain. The pastures look like it’s June. But the high temperatures forecasted for all next week will take its toll.

  2. I hope we can get some apples this year...yours look good, who cares about a perfect apple it is more important that they taste good! Good to see your Rose.:)
