Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October Update on My Fall Bucket List 2020

This is my October update on how I'm coming along with getting items checked off my fall to-do list.  After the 4th of July seems like fall to me, kids start getting ready for back-to-school, golden rod starts blooming, garden harvests starts coming in, we're canning & freezing, bugs chirp their fall noises.  By the time fall officially arrives, I've already done a lot of fallish stuff.  I still have a few more items to check off on my list, how about you? Here is how some others are doing.

1.  Go to County Fair  ✅  Attendance seemed to be down this year, perhaps because of the you know what - Covid.  Kevin pitched in the horse shoe tournament.  I go for the cinnamon buns.  Kevin got 2nd place in his division.

2.  Send Grands a little money for back-to-school supplies ✅  The Grands started back to school having 2 days of in person attendance & 3 days of distance learning at home.  The oldest Grand decided to do distance learning full time.  His 2 days of in person attendance was online learning with a lunch provided & not a teacher in front of the class teaching.  He came up with a plan of what he would do at home.  Daughter said it's working good so far & the Grand tells me he is getting all his school work completed.

3.  Put out fall decorations ✅  I'm not much of a seasonal decorator but I do have a few items I put out to set the mood.  My decorations are inside.  I'm going to add - drive around town & look at outdoor fall decorations & leaves.

4.  Make a snack mix using candy corn ✅  I like candy corn, how about you?  I made this pumpkin spice snack mix.  I sent some to work with Kevin & me to have for lunch.  The rest I sent to the Grands in a care package.

5.  Get candy for trick-or-treaters ✅  I plan ahead for special treats due to our little grocery store being limited on seasonal selections.  I also have to plan to get enough candy, so when Kevin & I eat some of it all the good stuff, there will be some left to give to the trick-or-treaters.

I like to eat brussel sprouts on occasion but never seen or thought about
what they looked like growing till I see these at the fair.

6.  Stock up on canned goods & personal items ✅  I like to stock up about every 6 months - fall & spring.  I'm not much of a shopper.  When there was the Covid toilet paper shortage, it was here too in our small town & everywhere else that I have family & friends, we had what we needed already on hand.

7.  Start Christmas shopping ✅  Christmas is the busiest time of the year at work for me.  The more Christmas stuff I can do ahead of time, means less stress & more time for Joy.  I plan to mail my presents the week after Thanksgiving.  Season passes to an amusement park for the Grands & sent money for bicycles.  Daughter let me know Walmart was stocked back up.

8.  Watch the Adams Family ✅ Snacked on spiced apple cider & homemade pumpkin cookies while watching.  That checked 3 items off my list.  I'm going to add - watch 31 nights of fall/Halloween movies. 

9.  Get out coats, hats, gloves & long johns ✅  We had our 1st freezing temperatures the 1st week of Sept.  That got me in the mood for getting out the cold weather gear.  Also, we were planning for freezing weather & maybe even snow during our camping trip.

10.  Go camping in the Big Horns of Wyoming ✅  Kevin & I took 5 days off work.  We did some 4-wheeler riding & walking, saw lots of wildlife, spent 2 days fishing.  The nights & mornings were cold.  During the day was perfect vacation weather. 

Coats & gloves were needed at times while riding the side by side
when we were camping in the Big Horns.

11.  Make tator soup ✅  Kevin harvested the rest of the garden that included the tators, after the 1st frost.  I'm not much of a soup maker.  Never been able to really get the right blend of savory spices.  I have a loaded baked tator soup recipe we like.  We ate soup for several days & I put the rest in the freezer for later.

12.  Go to a football game ✅  I like to go to a game before it gets too stinkin cold.  The telephone/electric companies had their customer appreciation tailgate party & we went to that game for the hotdogs snack bags due to Covid.

 13.  Drink spiced apple cider ✅  Kevin & I like the kind that comes in packets.  It's quick & tasty.  I saw on someone's else's list to have doughnuts with cider, so we gave that a try.  I'm adding that to my list.

14.  Have a hotdog roast ✅ I like to have a hotdog roast every chance I can get.  It's on my bucket list for every season.  Our favorite dinner party is roast hosting.

15.  Make a pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins & pumpkin cookies  I made pumpkin cookies from scratch starting with peeling & cooking the pumpkin that came out of our garden.  With the leftover pumpkin, I made muffins starting with Joanne's 2 ingredient recipe.  I also made Laura's pumpkin apple pancakes. I'll be making pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving, so I'm not marking this complete just yet.  

Tators dug out of our garden.

16.  Take a leaf drive & have KFC for a picnic ✅  We stopped by KFC to get our chicken & they were closed.  New temporary hours being closed on Sunday...  Ohhhh what a bummer.  We substituted chicken from the deli of a grocery store for our picnic.  Lots & lots & lots of other folks had the same idea as we did.  There was not a picnic table available in our picnicking spot. We ate our lunch on the creek bank before going fishing.

17.   Make caramel popcorn ✅ I was planning to make real caramel corn & then I saw I had some popcorn caramel topping, so I used that. 

18.  Carve a jack-o-lantern

19.  Make pumpkin chili

20.  Get vehicles ready for winter ✅ I put a blanket in my car along with a small snow shovel, extra gloves & hand warmers.  I washed the car it's final time before winter.  Kevin checked the fluids & changed the oil.

Saw a couple of mountain goats while leaf looking.

*  I have 3 things left on my list.  Yay me!  I'll be making pumpkin chili & carving a jack-o-lantern for Halloween.  I'll be making  pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving.  

This has been my fall bucket list update, how about you, do you like candy corn & take a leaf looking drive?


  1. You have knocked this list outta the ballpark!!!! Wow!
    Will check out the recipe links. 8 think you need to make an epilogue or addendum to your list so you have something to do in November.

    1. We've been getting snow so now on to winter activities.

  2. I really like your list. You must have much more open where you are-no county fairs, no real football games fo rthe general population here.

    1. Yes, our community has remained open for the most part, though this month Covid has arrived, so we will see.

  3. I am so impressed Karen! I love your list, and I cannot believe how many things you've already accomplished this fall. Good for you.

    1. Lots of fun fall things, though Covid has hit our area, so we will see how winter gets started.

  4. Wow, fantastic progress. I think going to the fair and camping must have been fun.

    1. The fair & camping was fun. Saw some different things doing each of those activities.

  5. Hi there! Where do you live, that you're seeing mountain goats! Totally cool. What a fun blog! Enjoy the rest of Autumn!

    1. The mountain goats were seen in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Yes I like candy corn and yes we like looking at leaves too! I think that is required for retirement! You are doing great on your Fall list!!

    1. Candy corn is a healthier treat to have, it being made out of honey. We actually went on several leaf looking drives both near & far.
