Friday, January 13, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead

Weekend Coffee Share
Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from South Dakota.  How you doing this 2nd week of 2023?  My hands have been soooooo dry this winter.  The skin on my fingers cracks open, bleeds & sore to the touch.  There was pain & burning at bedtime when it's time to relax.  Let me tell you... I've tried all kinds of lotions, creams & Vaseline.  

Kevin come in from work the other day telling about that day's lunch conversation being about a coworker's daughter having trouble with really dry skin on her hands & face.  She had been using Vic's Vapor Rub to treat it.  It's supposed to be good for all kinds of stuff including eczema, if you look it up online.  

It just so happened that I had some vapor rub in the medicine basket & thought I'd give it a try.  I greased up my hands with the vapor rub at bedtime when I was ready to sleep.  I put socks on my hands so the gunk wouldn't get on the bed covers. I put the vapor rub on my hands every night this week & used it like lotion a couple times during the day such as after washing the dishes.  No one commented about the smell at work, so maybe it was ok.  The healing results was simply amazing. Here's some other things that's happened around my place this week, grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & walk with me...

The sunny temperatures reached the 50s F a day or 2 this week.  It didn't look like
 a lot of the snow melted.  As long as the snow hangs around, I'll use it to water my houseplants. 
I'm going to see how long I can keep this poinsettia before most the leaves
 fall off.  A couple years ago I kept one till May, it seemed to like this sunny window
here, so we'll see how long this poinsettia lasts.

Snapchat from Daughter, it looked
like Grand was going to make a 
basket but the ball rolled right
 off the rim.

*  We took a drive to the Dollar Store to get some bathtub cleaner, crackers & a few other things. We rode over to the dam & took Rose on her pet walk.  January is walk your pet month, so for the occasion, I vowed to myself that I would take Rose on a walk every day this month, to other places besides just around in the yard like we usually do.  There was ice fisherman out on the lake; vehicles, tents, ice houses... on the ice all around the lake.  We like to fish but I'm too scaredy cat to fish out on the ice, plus we don't have the ice fishing equipment, plus every year we hear of deaths due to falls through the ice.  Ice fishing just is not my type of fishing thing, so, Kevin got us some rotisserie chicken pieces & we ate a picnic lunch on the way home.  We saw 5 bold eagles, the most pheasants we've ever seen in one place, lots of deer & antelope, Rose jumped up a jack rabbit & I took pictures of several big ol' beautiful barns along the way.
An eagle flying across the road in front of us.

Rose patiently waiting at the door while I put
on my shoes, she's eager to go on her pet walk.
  The temperature was 20 F.  The snow was frozen
 & I could walk on top of it. We walked by the
electric company.  I could smell the creosote on
the utility poles. I like the smell if it's
not too strong. 
Squash & okra from 
out of the garden.

*  A crown popped out as I was water flossing my teeth, see what I mean about keeping my teeth fit?  I tried to get an appointment at the dentist this week on my day off but there were not any available on that day or this month.  I wasn't in pain, so it wasn't an emergency.  They said they would let me know if there was a cancelation.  I got an email that a spot had been reserved for me next week on my day off.  I was so thankful.  Since I didn't have to spend my day off at the dentist, it's an hour & 15-minute drive to get there, I had a 2nd cup of coffee & spent the day reading, relaxing, took Rose on an extra pet walk & had supper ready for Kevin when he got home from work.
A coworker gave Kevin this spice.
What to do with it, what to make with it? 
It has a recipe for taco seasonings on the back. 
We like tacos.
Another beautiful frosty morning pet walk.  The fog prediction is
 that it will rain about 90 days after a fog.

Workday Simple Joy - An oreo
milkshake treat from the boss.
 are some 
of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. Looks like an interesting week - apart from the tooth of course!

    1. The dentist appointment won't be too bad getting the crown glued back in & I can do some shopping while I'm in town to get Valentines for the Grands.

  2. Oh that horrible feeling when you realised something was not right with your tooth! Pleased to hear that you haven't got to wait too long for it to be replaced and that it isn't giving you any pain.
    I think I'd be too scared to go out on the ice - there'd be too many 'what ifs' going round in my brain!
    I hope the rain prediction doesn't come true, I can cope with cold and fog but walking the dog in rain is no fun for either of us.

    1. I had a different crown pop off back in October, so glad I was able to save them instead of having to have new ones made. This area doesn't get much rain, so the ranchers depend on snow & what little rain there is for moisture. Moisture is the talk of the town around here. You are right though, walking the dog in the rain is not fun either.

  3. Good luck with the tooth. Maybe use the southwest seasoning as a dry rub for chicken, serve with rice and beans? Rose is adorable.

    1. Thank you for that meal idea. I actually have some chicken in the freezer that needs to be fixed.

  4. I am so happy to hear you found a way to make your dry hands feel better. I too fight to keep them from cracking in the wintertime. Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm looking into getting a little humidifier for the bedroom to see if that helps with my dry skin. This year is the worst it's ever been.

  5. I enjoy how you punctuate your post with pictures. Great post, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, I like to share my pictures & use them to tell a story in some way.

  6. I use some stuff called glysolid in a red container. I think you can get it at some walmarts. It is a wonderful product. My hands were in bad shape after Christmas and all the dish duties and cleaning and a few nights of Glysolid and I am back on track:)

    1. I'm checking on getting a little humidifier to go in the bedroom to see if that helps with the dryness too. I looked that product up online at Walmart & will have to try it out.

  7. This squash & okra dish looks delicious. It sounds like a great week and glad to know about Vics Vapor rub. I use it when I get headache and it is really healing.

    1. The vapor rub is supposed to be good for a lot of different things. I only knew it for putting on under the nose to help with a stuffed up head cold.

  8. I'm glad to hear you found a solution for dry skin. I hope the weather stays OK for your daily walk with Rose. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    1. I'm enjoying reading everyone's coffee share. So much fun!

  9. Your photos are really spectacular. Love the barn and that beautiful snow tipped tree. Your grandson was robbed that point. The ball clearly looked like it was going in!! Poor baby. I bet that seasoning would be good on chicken or sprinkled on veggies tossed in olive oil and broiled.

    1. The chicken sounds good, I'll have to give it a try, thanks for the idea.

  10. Hope your hands feel better! The backs of my hands started to chap from the dry weather, but I got it under control with some lotion. Good luck at the dentist! Thanks for sharing all the photos from the land of our dreams!

    1. My dry hands have been the worst ever this year. I'm looking into getting a humidifier for the bedroom to see if that helps any.

  11. Interesting about Vicks Vapor Rub having so many uses and glad to hear that it worked so well for you. My go-to cream for everything is Bepanthen - I've used it for so many skin problems over the last 35 years and it's still the first thing I reach for if something is irritated. Good luck with getting your crown replaced next week.

    1. I looked up the cream & see that it is good for eczema, so good for dry skin. I'm not sure I have eczema exactly but I'm treating it as such. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.

  12. Love the Vic's Vapor Rub hint. Your frosty photos look amazing.

    1. The vapor rub worked good for me. I've gotten some other suggestions that I will try in the future.

  13. Glad to learn the Vicks Vapo Rub trick! I usually reach for the udder cream when my hands get super-chapped.

    Love the snowy photos! So lovely... but so cold. As beautiful as snow country is, I'm quite happy to watch it from my computer screen in Arizona :-)

    1. I know what you mean about the snow. Sometimes I think I don't care if I ever see another snowflake, ever. I've gotten some other good suggestions for dry hands too. I've heard of the utter cream & will have to give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.

  14. I will certainly read some of your stories, thanks for the invite.

  15. M skin tends to be dry so I'm sure they'd be really bad if I lived in an area with much colder weather. Interesting about the Vicks. What a great idea to use snow to water houseplants. We don't live in an area with ice fishing so it fascinates me. I don't think I'd do it though. I'm so sorry about your crown...uggh...I have so many crowns I could rule a few countries.

    1. The vapor rub really helped & several others have used it too since my encounter. The plants seem to love the melted snow for watering. They are thriving right now as long as I remember to keep them on their watering schedule. The ice fishing fascinates us too, we like to look & see what they are doing but, nope, I'm not getting out there. I too have many crowns & could do some ruling...LOL!
