Friday, January 20, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from South Dakota.  How you doing this 3rd week of 2023?  I got an extra day of weekend this week since there was a federal holiday, that meant getting in extra pet walks with Rose & going shopping with Kevin.  I got Valentines to make a care package to send to the Grands.  Kevin got some bow hunting accessories.  He had gift cards & card points that saved him quite a few $$$.  Having an extra day off also meant having a 2nd cup of morning coffee while getting all the laundry washed up in one day & hung on the line to dry.  Ohhhh & also, I straightened up in the pantry.  I threw out several outdated items & found the pumpkin pie spice I thought I had but couldn't find when I went to make pumpkin pies during Thanksgiving.  Kevin ran to the store & saved that pie making day.  I was so delighted to share the news with Kevin as soon as he walked in the door, "See, I knew I had pumpkin pie spice".  The thing Kevin was delighted about was that I had refilled the salt & pepper shakers & cleaned their lids.  Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you about a few other things that went on around my place this week, come walk with me... 

We investigated this beaver house.  It looked like the 
place had been abandoned or maybe the homeowners
 went south for the winter & will return in the spring.

We had nice weather a couple of evenings that was perfect for us to get out & explore
the prairie.  Perfect being dressed warm in layers & wearing a coat while out walking &
riding around in the truck with the heater going.  A lot of snow melted the 1st of the
 week making icky puddles around in the yard not suitable for wearing my house slippers
 to take Rose out to potty.  Then there was freezing back of those wet spots making
the entire yard seem like an ice skating ring. There were snow flurries several days &
freezing drizzles one morning making slick roads on everyone's drive getting
to wherever they needed to go.

Kevin made rabbit dumplings
& I helped. Next up on the menu
were salmon patties made using
 corn flakes.  I made chicken salad
 for lunches.  We ate out a couple
times, having Burger King's $5
meal deal & ate out with our
fellow Lions at #3 grill & bar.

*  We went to Lions Club meeting that coincided with Martin Luther King Day.  Both encourages volunteer service within one's community.  We're finally going to get around to having the Christmas Potluck at our next meeting in February.  B
ingo night is coming up.  I had to pay several .25 fines for not calling people Lion before their name.  Kevin had to pay a fine for not having his Lions hat. There was lots of laughing & tail twisting that went on.  

* I ordered a little bedroom humidifier to see if that helps with my extremely dry skin.  Vic's Vapor Rub helped heal my fingers from the cracked open bleeding places. Now I need to find a remedy to help keep my hands & body from drying out so bad like that.  I'm also trying to remember to drink more water.  It's supposed to be one of the best moisturizers for the body inside & out.

*  I found out that my hairdresser is closing her shop in April.  It got me in the mood to go ahead & get my spring haircut, so I'll probably make an appointment for next week.  I should get a haircut about every 6 weeks with the short style I like to go with, though I try to see how close to 6 months I can get.

Me sitting in the dentist chair
needing a haircut, waiting while
my crown gets cleaned up.  There
are bird feeders out every window
for everyone's enjoyment.

*  I went to the dentist.  As I was driving out of town, I noticed a truck that had just went off the road & down the bank coming off the bridge.  Apparently, the beautiful glistening frost covering everything including the road was a little slippery.  I didn't test it like Kevin likes to do.  I listened to Kelly Ripa's audio book Live Wire during the drive.  At the dentist they took some x-rays of my tooth & gums in the area the crown had popped off to see if anything weird was going on with it.  The dentist asked how the crown came off & wanted to hear an exciting story about a bar fight or such, not the boring real one about water flossing.  My crown got glued back in & I was on my way.  
My next appointment is scheduled in April for a cleaning.  

One of the bead kits was 
mermaid & the other kit
was unicorn.

*  Grand wrote his 1st published sports article & another Grand recommended I watch The Hateful Eight on Netflix. 

Snapchat from Daughter,
Grands were working with
the beads I sent them
for Christmas.

As I look out the kitchen window...  Kevin will be using the tractor to open up a ditch 
along the side of the road there.  He said he'll put the snow on the garden in hopes that 
it will help to get more moisture down into the garden.  You can see the fence posts 
there in the garden where the netting fence was to keep the deer out.  There would 
be enough melting snow run-off that would flood our yard & house if we don't 
keep an eye on it.  See there across the road that there is no snow, this winter 
storm stockpiled the snow in some places & left other areas bare. 

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. Hi Karen, that was so good reading about life where you are. I live in Australia and we are mid summer right now. I have an awesome hairdresser here but sadly, we will be moving soon so "I" will be on the lookout for a new one. Denyse

    1. Daughter & I have started making plans for summer visits. It seems hard to believe that we have winter here with all this snow & it's summer somewhere else with hot weather. There are several hairdressers here in town to choose from. I've heard good things about them all. I think there they each might have a little different schedule & days of operation so I'll have to check with that & it might be my decision factor.

  2. Like Denyse, it is summer where I live (New Zealand) and looking at the cold weather is such a contrast to what I can see out of my window right now.

    1. I like seeing the pictures of looking out the window to get an idea of everyone's weather & different landscaping types. It's hard for me to think about it being summer somewhere else with all this snow we have. If it were summer here, we would be in the middle of the garden growing season having to keep everything watered.

  3. Sounds like a great week! How long have you been living at your homestead? I dream of having a homestead one day. I love gardening and would like to have a bigger garden and be more self-sufficient.

  4. Hi Karen - glad the dentist visit went well and it wasn't you sliding off the icy road. Loved the pics of the grandgirls with their beads - mermaids, unicorns, and bunnies are the top pics for my grandgirls - I think it must be a fairly universal thing with young girls.

    1. I slid off the road like that years ago due to black ice. I think of it every time the road is anything but dry. I have noticed the universal things the kids do too. Songs, crafts, characters... I was talking with a customer the other day & sometimes it seems we think we are the only ones that do certain things & that our area has it harder than other places. Most everything is universal if you get to noticing & thinking about it.

  5. At first, I was thinking, why Valentines? Then I turned to the calendar (I know you said we are in the third week of January, but that didn't register with me). Wow, February is around the corner! Anyway, a Valentine's care package is a lovely idea.
    Hope you have a great weekend, Karen.

    1. I try to keep weeks ahead of the care packages that needs to be sent. There is a Grand's birthday most every month so that means a care package of some sort once a month. I didn't send a January box because there was just Christmas & no Grand's birthday. I don't get to see the Grand's very often, so it gives me joy to send the care packages. Occasionally, a box is late for one reason or another, but the Grand's expect their birthday box from Nana & know that there is stuff in the box for everyone, mostly their favorite kinds of candy, you know. Wink, Wink.

  6. Loved seeing six deer and the sky colour in your third photo. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    1. I enjoy taking pictures of the wildlife & scenery. I thought that deer with the approaching sun set in the background was the best picture that I took during the week. That picture also shows the typical prairie landscape of the area.

  7. I miss that beautiful scenery! That is one heck of a beaver house! Is it windy this time of year? Sorry to hear about your dry skin, hopefully the humidifier will help.

    1. Last week the wind was ok, it's supposed to be windy this week. That wind can sure make the air feel colder when it wants to. We're trying to figure out the best place in the house to put the humidifier, we don't know much about them. We come from an area that was moisty & moldy that people had to use dehumidifiers.

  8. I've been enjoying your posts. I loved all the deer in the field. Rabbit dumplings sound good. Yum.
