Friday, January 27, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead

Hosted by Natalie the Explorer.  Grab a coffee or
your favorite beverage & walk with me...
Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from South Dakota.  How you doing this 4th week of 2023?  Daughter & I started making plans for summer visits around oldest Grand's graduation.  I asked Kevin what he thought a good graduation gift would be for us to get Grand.  Kevin said his favorite things he remembers getting for graduation was a pocketknife & a fishing creel.  I remembered getting cards with money in them as being my favorite graduation gifts.  Here's a few of the other things that's happened around my place this week.
Our 1st born Grand, anticipating &
planning for his High School graduation
& thereafters. A cookout is in the works for
a graduation party.  Son-in-law grills up
the most delicious smash burgers.

*  We went to the Lions Club hosted community bingo.  Kevin was the number caller, I kept up with the card counts.  We both helped clean up afterwards.  Player brought in some delicious cookies to share.  I made a jug of tang & brought peppermints & suckers to go with Member's popcorn.  It was a fun competitive evening getting extra cards at times to try to win 1 of the 3 dozen of eggs being offered as prizes.
BINGO!  x 2.  I won $5.25, a Route 66
calendar & a dozen eggs.

*  We had a charcuterie board style picnic lunch
in the truck while out exploring the prairie.
We saw grouse & a coyote while out & about. 
Other things on the menu this week was a rabbit
bake using a chicken recipe & a meat & cheese
roll that's one of Kevin's favorites that he's been
requesting for a while. The meat loaf was made 
using 1/2 venison & 1/2 beef. 
Rose didn't have much troubles
walking on top of the snow.

The end of the road for now.

It was entertaining to see if we humans
could walk on top of the snow.

The forecast called for wind & snow this week with the high
temperatures reaching the mid 30s F.  That's pretty much what
we got - wind, snow & cold.  The talk of the town was about the
bitter cold wind & how lucky we had been the past couple of
weeks to have done without it.  This windmill was churning &
still in operation to provide water for the livestock.

It's like Christmas when
there's boxes to be opened.
*  I got the humidifier I ordered.  I'm hoping it will help with my extremely dry hands. The humidifier was bigger than I thought it would be.  It holds 1 gallon of water, so I don't know what I was thinking.  I did some reading about indoor humidity.  I was planning to put the humidifier in our bedroom but seems it needs to be as close to the center of the room as possible. It needs to be where there is air flowing to get that moist air moving & spread around.  I thought that did make a lot more sence.  We ended up putting the humidifier on the coffee table in the center of the living room.  I'm going to try some of the other humidity raising ideas too, mist the air with a spray bottle, put a pot of water on top of the heating stove, leave the bathroom door open when showering & let the dish water sit in the sink till it cools down.  We have an outdoor/indoor thermometer that gives lots of weather information, humidity is one of them.  I checked the inside humidity level at random times during the day to see what was going on with it.  The humidity raises the most & the quickest after our evening showers.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. That was quite a week....thanks for sharing. Ours has been mixed and we are in the middle of a rather hot set of daily temperatures so we are mostly inside...and when motivated, I am doing some more packing for our eventual house move in about 3 months.

  2. The humidifier + the other ideas to increase your humidity make for an interesting experiment and I'll be checking in to see if it helps your skin. I wonder how much the cold air from living in such a snowy place impacts on your skin. We live in more of a hot/dry environment and seem to have less issues with things like that.

    1. I read that dry skin is more common in the winter from the dry heat humidity inside the home. In the summer I don't seem to have troubles with dry skin. I thought my dry hands were due to handling dry things at work though seems it's more about the humidity in my home.

  3. I haven't played bingo in years. We always had fun when we went, but I was always surprised by how competitive it was. Have a great weekend, Karen.

    1. I like to play a few games of bingo & since it's once a month participating in the community club, it's doable. It's all more for the fun & socializing.

  4. Sounds like you were very lucky while playing Bingo! I always have great fun but never win. LOL I hope your humidifier and other tactics help; I go through so much lotion in the winter and slather on real thick layer of it. We do keep an old pot of water on our woodstove and fill it up each day but I'm not really sure it does us all that much good as our woodstove is in the basement.

    1. All the bingo players got at least one win so that was good fun. The pot of water helps humidity more than we realize; I think. Spraying the mist with a spray bottle around in all the rooms didn't seem to raise the humidity. Maybe I was expecting to see immediate results too soon.

  5. Congrats on your bingo win! I hope the humidifier helps. If it's only your hands that are extremely dry, it may be something else that your hands have regular contact with that causes the dryness (e.g. hand soap, dishwashing detergent). Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  6. Way to go eggs for a bingo prize!! In the winter keeping ahead of dry skin is almost a full time job:)

  7. Congratulations! Those are some great prizes you won!

  8. Cold wind... yuck. I'm fairly weather-tolerant, but I *hate* wind. Down here in AZ we get hot wind in the spring--feels like someone is chasing me with a giant hair dryer. So. Gross.

    I love your charcuterie board! Charcuterie boards = Lunchables for adults, and I'm here for them.

    Have a wonderful week!
