Friday, April 14, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains


Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia.  How you doing this 15th week of 2023?  Everything turned vibrant green overnight after a good downpour of rain that we got.  Kevin arrived with the rest of our stuff.  My back has been tired & sore from putting away totes of canned food, moving shelves & changing the bedroom furniture around.  We also worked in the garden & planted a thing or 2.  Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you more, come walk with me...
Kevin brought in a few totes at a time to unpack.
We downsized our belongings & our house size.
Seems we need to do a little more downsizing of
our belongings to fit in the downsized house.

Baby Grand got his 1st 2 teeth.

Daughter's family gussied up for Easter
services at church & then an Easter egg
hunt & dinner with Son-in-Laws parents.

*  Our garden is a little different this year.  There were raised boxed beds already in place, so we'll use those to garden in.  Kevin added a row of boxes & strawberries were ordered.  While the weather was rainy, he burned the 2 brush piles of sticks & leaves that I had created. 


53 onion plants were planted.  I scrounged around to see
 if I could come up with one more plant to make an even
 54, but the plant just was not there.  The bundle was
  probably a pack of 50 & perhaps the 3 were extras. 

There are thoughts & plans to plant peppers, cucumbers,
tomatoes, squash, carrots & maybe another thing or 2.

The grapes are putting out.
Rose decided she needed a 
drink while I was watering the

Kevin transplanted a bunch of
daffodils over by the creek.

The old apple tree has lots of blooms.

A few pears are starting
 to take shape.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. Your garden looks great. I hope you take it easy to rest your back and enjoy the weekend. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  2. Looks like your garden is coming together.

  3. I like your garden boxes. Do your plants grow okay in them?

  4. Your gardens look so productively beautiful. I'm doing gardens as my theme next week on WQ if you want to link to that post. I love all the boxes! Lots of work!:)

  5. The garden is certainly coming along well - my husband started his first raised vegetable garden six months ago and has taken a lot of pleasure in the (very small amount of) produce he's produced.

  6. Fun to see your green grass and your planter boxes!

  7. I love your garden boxes. That makes things so much more organized. It will be fun to watch them grow. My first Wednesday Quotes post for May is "Growing." I hope you'll share some pictures. Things change fast this time of year! :)

  8. Your garden looks lovely! We are using raised beds too. Isn’t Spring amazing?

  9. I love those raised boxes. I'd like to do some someday
