Monday, April 3, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Hosted by Natalie The Explorer.  Grab a coffee or
your favorite beverage & I'll tell you about our
Easter celebration at my mother's house,
walk with me...

I got myself some Easter flowers.
It's hanging strawberry plants.  I've
been setting it out on the porch in the 
mornings then bringing it in the house
at night.  We're still having freezing
temperatures during the night
on occasion.

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia.  How you doing this 14th week of 2023?  I'm noticing more & more green on the undergrowth brush in the woods & the trees are leafing out.  I'm loving the dogwood trees in bloom, though seems it was dogwood winter mid-week (a cold spell when the dogwoods are in bloom.)   I started watching a couple new series on Netflix, Wellmania & Firefly Lane.  What happened to shows like Facts of Life, Different Strokes & Threes Company?  I cooked 3 dozen eggs, Opps, minus the 2 I had cooked for breakfast sometime another.  I dyed the 10 eggs.  The full 2 cartons were deviled.  All the eggs went to the family's annual Easter egg hunt & dinner.  Leftovers were made into egg salad.

The .35 egg dye kit I got at the
thrift store turned out good &
vibrant. The artwork is for fun &
participation, not necessarily 
Pinterest worthy. 

I got the little Easter plates at the thrift store.  As soon as I saw them, I thought
they would be perfect to serve the deviled eggs on.  The plates looked brand new &
looked like they'd never been used.  Those eggs were the quickest & easiest I think
I've ever peeled.  I used Moma's homemade relish. It was my last jar.  We'll have to
grow the ingredients to make some more... cucumbers, onions, peppers & maybe
a few green mators.

Lots of different varieties of
delicious food was cooked for a
  family dinner feast.  I love
Moma's green beans.
Easter eggs were hidden for an egg hunt.

It was such a beautiful day to eat outside.
There was conversation here about the
 upcoming track meet.
There was a decorated egg contest.  Which
one would you have chosen for the most
creative? Could you tell that mine
was a blooming cactus?

The competitive Easter egg hunt was on!
Do you see the hidden egg?

Happy Easter!


These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. It all looks great loved the dyed eggs and the decorated ones were really cool. Great to be getting together with family and celebrating Easter together.

  2. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. The decorated egg contest and egg hunt look so much fun. Happy Easter!

  3. Cute decorated eggs! I like the baseball egg!! Mostly quiet here, had Easter Dinner at my brothers next door 21 people attending, great food and conversation:)

  4. Those Easter eggs are fun! I love deviled eggs. So good.
