Friday, April 19, 2024

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains


Weekend Coffee Share
Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia. How you doing this 16th week of 2024? It's 59 degrees here this early Friday spring morning. Sunny sweaty temperatures heated up into the 80s this week. The azaleas are blooming. I saw a hummingbird out the bedroom window the other day, so I put out the feeder. I thought the mix was 3 parts water to 1 part sugar, Kevin thought it was half & half. I looked it up & the directions I read was 4 to 1, so that's how I made my food for the hummingbirds. The hummers started feasting, at least that one. We've tired the new Bojangles in town a couple of times now. One for supper & one for breakfast. I've decided their biscuits are my favorite over anywhere. My tender tastebuds didn't care for their slightly spicy chicken, but I ate it anyway. This weekend is Grand's wedding. I've got our wedding clothes pressed & the loose threads snipped. I had to go out & buy a tabletop ironing board. Mine got left behind or sold in the yard sale in South Dakota. I've got my cookies made for the cookie table. We've got the arch built & it's already set up in its place. Everything is going to be so pretty. Did I mention that the wedding colors are lavender & light blue with a touch of burgundy? I'm ready to go do all the wedding things, but 1st, grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & tell you about going plant shopping & I'll show you the remodeled flower bed we did in front of the house, it's finally completely finished & planted, walk with me...

Kevin was shopping for marigolds for the remodled flower bed. All the flowers
looked so good. These marigolds at the grocery store garden center were one in
a pot, so we just looked.

I was shopping for a fern to go
with the arch decorations. These
Bostons at the produce stand
were all so beautiful & vibrant.
 It was hard to choose.

I chose this lively character. It might
 have been a bit bigger than I was
expecting. I've babied it all week to
keep it looking it's beautiful
vibrant self. 

The produce stand just got in a
shipment. Kevin went with these
marigolds, 6 plants to a container.
He also got another rhubarb &
planted it beside our other one.

Looking around, there was a different kind
 of fern mingled with these beautiful
geranium baskets. Oh my gosh,
everything was so nice looking.

*  Here are pictures of before, during & the finished remodel of the flower bed in front of the house that I've been talking about for weeks. Kevin wanted to redo the bed to make it easier to mow around. The flowers overgrew the edges last year & grew out into the grass. Even trying to weed eat risked chopping the flowers down. 




Have you tried these grapes? They are
"sweet as candy", as Kevin would say.
I was just talking about my tender tastebuds
 then I accidently got this hot stuff at the
grocery store. This was actually a good 
combination, chips & salsa chased
with the coolness sweet
tasting grapes.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. Yes I tried those grapes, i didn't care for them. How exciting I hope you have lovely weather for the wedding and everything goes ok! How long til you retire?

  2. Looks like a lot of interesting happenings in the garden!

  3. The fern you bought and your reconstructed flower bed look great. I hope you have beautiful weather for your Grand's wedding. Congrats to the bride and groom and your family! Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  4. I love having ferns in my flower garden.
