Sunday, June 23, 2024

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains


Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia. How you doing this 25th week of 2024? It's 86 degrees here this Sunday afternoon as I finish cleaning up after a family get together with Kevin's side of the family this weekend then I'm thinking about a nap but 1st, grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll show you some elephant toothpaste, have you ever heard of it, come walk with me... 

Elephant toothpaste

*  One of the experiments during Daughter's Science Day of Summer Day Camp was to mix ingredients/chemicals together that reacted to form an oozing that looked like a huge tube of toothpaste. I assisted with the day's activities & was treated with pizza & ice cream along with the camp participators. 
Oobleck from the Dr Suess book
Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
It's a liquid & a solid.

*  I had lunch with Moma & took a tour of her flower gardens along with my little sidekick that hung out with me for a few days. The daylilies were putting on a show.

*  Me & Kevin hosted a get together for Kevin's side of the family along with having a surprise birthday cake for the oldest family member. There was wiffle ball, cornhole, badminton, playing in the creek, bubbles & fireworks. There was so much good food, I ate some of the leftovers for breakfast the next morning.
My little sidekick helping me
get the drink cooler ready.
Can you guess how old Birthday Boy was?
The Cake Lady, my Cousin Sally, did an amazing
job making the surprise birthday cake. Everyone was
talking about how good the cake tasted along with
 the homemade ice cream made by Kevin's Cousin
Bryan during the get together.


We ate under our pavilion, aka... 2 vehicle open garage. It was a little cooler in
the shade with a little breeze blowing from time to time.

Catfish, meatloaf, country boil
& grilled pork chops with
all the other fixings, there
were hotdogs for roasting &
smores stuff for the making.

Caprese skewers made with
blackberries from the garden.

*  Here's a few pictures of Kevin's flower beds, creekside walking path & pond project that he's been working on.

The walking path starting to take shape. Way down there at the
other end of the fence, will be the pond.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?

Kevin discovered this yellow jacket's nest
while we were stacking wood for the 
fire pit. The nest was about a foot
over our heads while we worked & 
neither of us had noticed it. 


  1. IT looks like you've had a busy weekend. Hugs amnd Muffins with the coffee from Sunny Portugal

  2. What a fun week you had. Good thing the yellow jackets didn't attack you. The elephant toothpaste looks interesting. The caprese skewers look pretty and sound delicious. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  3. We did make elephant toothpaste but I didn't think to make ours all rainbowy with colors like that. We did lots of messy hands on science experiments while homeschooling because I just love science! The party sounds like the most delicious fun ever. All the cakes your cousin has made have been incredible.

  4. Now you guys know how to through a party. That cake is beautiful and I'm sure just as tasty. And look at all that food!! The carport made a perfect pavilion for the event. Looks like a lovely day.

    Kevin has quite the green thumb. And you have quite the way with science experiments and little ones. I am sure all your help was most appreciated and you certainly deserved that pizza.

  5. Thanks so much for hosting the get together! Everything was great, ate way too much. You guys are doing such an awesome job landscaping your place.
