Friday, September 20, 2024

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains


Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia. How you doing this 38th week of 2024? This week I did a little painting. I've been busy the past couple of weeks hanging out with Grands & Great Grand & loving every moment of it. I worked in the garden & orchard quite a bit, putting the last bits of goodness in the freezer & pulling up stalks & weeds. I've got flowers to plant. Most the marigolds dried up. I don't know if we forgot to water them till it was too late or what. Anyway, Kevin brought home some pansies from the farm stand that I wanted. I'll replace the marigolds in attempts to have the flower bed in front of the house last a little longer with annuals. Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & we'll talk about some of the flowers that are blooming before I head out this weekend to Grand's football game, I'm hopeful to get to see Grand Twins in 3D/4D ultrasound pictures, then off to the lake fishing with Kevin. It's supposed to be a nice fall weekend, though Kevin says it's going to be too hot & too many leaves still on the trees for him to go bear hunting just yet.

We saw asters in bloom
while out jeep riding.
The perennial begonias Moma
gave me back in the spring are
doing good. Actually, she sent
the plants to Kevin for the new
flower gardens he was making
at the pond area. He built &
 planted, it's my job to take care
of the plants, dead heading & such.

*  This week's visit to Granny & Sister's was painting & a cookout. Next week I'm planning for us to celebrate Sister's birthday with presents, balloons & silly hats along with reading the book Happy Birthday Thomas!.

Making a ghost.
Making little spiders & big spiders.

Our completed projects & the cute jack-o-lantern
shirts I got the Grands. We're ready for Halloween.

Sister cooked us up some burgers, trying out her new grill for the 1st time.
The burgers smelled so good cooking. It was a perfect beautiful fall day to
have a picnic, until... the yellow jackets showed up. We moved inside to
finish eating our lunch.

*  I love this memory from 10 years
ago & I share it every time it pops up:
What would you do to get free doughnuts from
Krispy-Cream? We dressed up like pirates.
September 19th, Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Grand gets bragging rights for
catching the biggest fish this
summer. The girls ruled this
  fishing trip. I caught the 
other 3 fish.

*  Some other happenings:

Grand & Girlfriend participating in
"Anything but a backpack" Day.


We've been hauling rocks to place
around the spring. The pond still isn't 
holding water. We're still hopeful the
leak will fix itself.
Kevin's strawberry runners planted 
for taking root. He'll be taking the
plants to the farm sale coming up
in a couple weeks.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?

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