Saturday, March 25, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia.  How you doing this 12th week of 2023?   The grass is getting more vibrant green with each passing day, this week was all about getting the yard ready to mow.  The blackberry bushes & grape vines Kevin ordered arrived.  I put the plants in the refrigerator where the temperature was 42 degrees to keep them dormant as suggested in the instructions.  Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you a little more about how the yard cleanup is going, come walk with me...

Nana Grandjoy Camp Run-A-Muk - Grands
helped rake leaves & pickup sticks, there is 2
brush piles going. Grands put together a can
organizer for the pantry & helped carry in a
band saw that was delivered.

Work in progress, stalks & sticks still need to be
picked up around these hostas.

We went into town for supper, there
were 4 minutes to do a little thrifting
before the shop closed.

Grands making labels for storage
baskets didn't turn out as
originally planned.

Rose enjoyed joining the Grands for a wiffle ball game or 2, this area looks
stick free & ready to mow when the time comes, I made sure the rocks
being used as bases were put back along the creek where they came from.

The neighbor came to say hello, we call
him Buckhorn for now.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. It's nice to see green grass in your photos. Buckhorn is adorable. I was delighted to see a robin, crocus, snowdrops and aconites in the gardens this week. They're sure signs of spring. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    1. The area I just moved from is still covered with snow, being outside & all the spring things are a delight & simple pleasure.

  2. I have to say that I'm jealous of your pictures, racking leaves, flowers poking through the ground . . . We had another round of snow fall last night, and I'm ready for it to be spring. Happy Sunday.

    1. I enjoy yard work when the weather is perfect for it, not too cold & not too hot. It has been nice weather here to get outside to prepare the yard & garden for mowing & growing.

  3. LOL at the label making! Not surprised at all that it didn't quite go as planned :-)

    Your place looks lovely. When I lived in Portland (OR), I loved seeing the hostas break through, because it meant spring was truly underway.

    1. The hostas were a surprise when I noticed them popping up through the leaves. We just moved here & didn't know about them. The Grands leaf raking was interrupted by a lizard they found. We got to have a little fun in-between hard work....LOL!

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, & daffodils. It's awesome since there was snow on the ground the day I left the midwest. It's been good for me to be back closer to family.

  5. Looks like the garden will be lovely come summer.

    1. The growing season is a little longer here so hopefully we can get lots of vine ripe tomatoes.

  6. sounds like a productive week. It's very wet here in the PNW

    1. We've had quite a little bit of rain here too, It will be good for garden growing season.
