Friday, May 5, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia.  How you doing this 18th week of 2023?  We went shopping for a jeep, celebrated my Mother's birthday & worked on the chicken house. Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you more, come walk with me...

Happy Birthday to Moma. 

Sister grilled hot dogs & made a
pineapple-upside down cake for
Moma's birthday.
*   There was an early birthday celebration for my mother's 80th birthday.  She was the youngest of 10 kids & is the only one still living.  When Moma was about 2 years old, their mother died of phenomena that could probably have been prevented had she went to the doctor.  Moma took on responsibilities of cooking & cleaning at a very young age.  The oldest kids were grown & already out of the house.  The brothers still at home went out & did the field work with their Daddy.  Moma tells about peeling & boiling tators about every night for supper, her Daddy telling her she needed to cook them a little longer.  Moma can make the best green beans & mashed tators that I've ever ate.  
The flower candle rotated & played the tune
"Happy Birthday to You".

I got sidetracked looking at these
daisies while Kevin took a closer
look at a jeep he was really
interested in. He loves me, 
he loves me not.....

*  We had decided before we left South Dakota that we wanted to get a jeep to use for exploring in the mountains.   We sold our camper, side by side & 4-wheeler that we had used to explore the prairie.  We shopped marketplace & word of mouth to replace our exploring vehicles with a jeep.  There's not a lot of trials for riding a side by side or 4-wheeler in this area, but there are lots of roads for jeep riding & such.  


This is it.  The jeep we chose to be our
new exploring vehicle.

Too many miles, too much money.

*  We've been converting a bathhouse into a chicken house/coop.  When I say we, I mean Kevin mostly.  He ordered baby chicks that's expected to arrive mid-June.  From what we've been told, our property used to be a campground of the sorts, having 6 electrical hookups, a bathhouse & a pavilion with a stage where music was made.  The pavilion is now the barn/workshop.  The stage is now a mower/tool shed.  There were still 3 electrical hookups & the bathhouse that was still fully functional.
The makings of a chicken coop door.

Kevin gutted the bathhouse &
unhooked the septic.  He
left the water hooked up. He 
cut the shower in half & made 
a brooder box for the baby chicks.

I got the baskets labeled that are located
on shelves above the washer & dryer.

I took a peek inside the bird
nest that's located in the
rafters of the mowing shed.

These are some of the things
that's been going on in my
neck of the woods, how has
you week been?
*  I found places for the remaining things sitting in the utility room floor from our moving boxes.  It might not have been their permanent place, but the stuff was put up off of the floor out of the way in a basket or in a cabinet or in a closet or took down to the barn for Kevin to go through.
Sitting out on the porch noticing
the poplar trees in bloom.
I pulled out weeds & scratched
in the dirt in the flower bed around
the tree then planted marigold,
zinnia & sunflower seeds.


  1. Your property looks amazing! And the Jeep is adorable. I hope you have many wonderful back-road adventures. And I'm picturing a flock of chickens scratching in the grass under those lovely trees.

  2. You will enjoy your Jeep. We have one and we love it. Happy exploring!

  3. You are great at self-sufficiency and DIY around the house. The poplar flowers in your photo look like tulip tree flowers in my part of the world. Look forward to hearing about your Jeep adventures.

  4. Nice to catch up with you. Happy birthday to your Moma. Her pineapple upside down cake looks fabulous. And her potatoes and green beans sound just as good. My mom used to cook her green beans slowly for hours with onions and bacon. Mmmmm.

    Looks like you found a great jeep for running around in. Once you get started exploring in it, I bet you will find more trails and off-roading opportunities.

    I always say 'we' are fixing the sprinklers, and 'we' are working on the AC. Ha, no 'we' about it. But sometimes I say 'we' are fixing dinner and there's no 'we' in that statement either. I couldn't fix the sprinklers but PC won't fix the supper!! You chicken coop looks like the perfect use for that outhouse.

  5. What a wonderful week! I get a happy feeling reading your post. Looking forward to hear more about the upcoming adventures with your new jeep.

  6. Hi Karen - things seem to really be coming together for you - loved all the storage baskets, congrats on the new jeep and the chicken house is a great idea - I hope you share some pics of the new chicks when they arrive.

  7. Happy birthday to your mom! Hope you get a lot of exploring done in that Jeep :) Have a wonderful week!

  8. Congrats on the new jeep! I bet you'll have lots of fun exploring in that. We live on an old campground site as well and had a bathhouse in our side yard with mini pavilion that we used to actually use to hold birthday and christening parties and things when our boys were really little. Then a few years back we worked on converting it into a blacksmith forge and shed combo.

  9. Nice looking Jeep, we sure enjoy our Ranger especially the heat and AC:)

  10. I loved your update. Looks like you're going to have some fun times exploring in the jeep!!
