Saturday, May 20, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia.  How you doing this 20th week of 2023?  Kevin asks, "What's for breakfast?"  I tell him he is the breakfast cooker.  He goes in the kitchen & fixes up something good for us.  Sometimes it involves his homemade blueberry jelly. Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you about a few other goings on, come walk with me...

*  Kevin cooked hamburgers & tator cakes for supper on his new grill. The buns I got were sandwich thins with low net carbs & no added sugar. So many foods have added sugars that we never thought about. Kevin crumbled up the leftover burgers, breakfast wraps & salads for lunches were made.

We ate some of the baseball game
snack mix that I made.  She was picking
out the m & ms.  I got to have this
blue one.

 *  I stayed with Baby Grands while Daughter went to a doctor's appointment about her ear.  She had been having earaches for a few days then she thought her ear drum had ruptured.  There was oozing, dizziness & she couldn't hear out of that ear.  She was given some antibiotic steroids to try to get the healing process going.  The specialist was not sure if her hearing in that ear would come back or not.  Here's how my morning went at Daughter's house before work...

Had my 2nd cup of coffee.

The littlest one had some

...though he thought he wanted to try
the do-dad mix even though he 
only has 2 teeth.

The 5 year old drew my picture
on the refrigerator before she left out for
school.  I thought the picture looked just
 like me with my brown hair, glasses &
blue shirt. Daughter got new appliances
 for Christmas & they were recently
delivered & installed.

Tickles & giggles after diaper changing time.

*  Week 3 & 4 of looking into the bird nest in the rafter of the mower shed.

*  Kevin called the hatchery to see if they could ship the chicks earlier than the mid-June date since we were ready for them.  Come to find out, all the varieties that he had ordered, expect one, were not going to be available even for the original shipping date.   He said it was a good thing he called so he could choose varieties they were going to have.  On our property was a camper that was set up permanent with a roof & porch.  It was a nice set up but something we're not going to get a lot of use out of.  Kevin has been working to get the camper mobile again so we can sell it & attach the chicken fence to the roof posts.  We have thoughts of getting a smaller camper, something we can pull behind the jeep.

A couple of my jobs helping to build
the chicken fence were keeping up with
the staples & tying wire.
My job was to hand Kevin tools he
needed while he was down under the
camper dismantling things & digging
out the support jacks.

* Grands Middle School baseball team had an undefeated season, winning the conference championship against a tough rivaling team.  The opposing team was actually my hometown team that had a great-nephew playing.  I cheered for both teams.  Both teams played a good game. There were good hits made by both teams & there were good plays made by both teams.  Here are a couple of action shots I took while getting to watch the last innings of several of their games during the season including the championship game.

7th grade Grand put in as a pinch runner.
8th grade Grand pitching.

I had to stop, smell & take
hundreds of pictures of these
beautiful roses at the ball field.

The proud parents & Dad one
of the assistant coaches.

These are some of the things going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?


  1. Sounds like a busy week. I hope that your daughter's ear gets better and the hearing loss in that ear isn't permanent!

  2. There's never not something to do on the homestead, no? I, too, spent a good portion of my day yesterday fixing fences because our bucks found a way to they do whenever possible ;-) Glad it all balanced out with kid time and good food! Hope the week ahead is a good one!

  3. I hope the ear problem does not linger. Otherwise - a busy week!

  4. SOunds like a great time. That burger looks amazing!!!

  5. I hope your daughter's ear gets better and she gets her hearing back. Looks like busy but fun times with your grands. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.
