Saturday, May 27, 2023

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia.  How you doing this 21st week of 2023?  Kevin had a yard sale, I had Nana Camp Run-A-Muk & went to the church's graduate recognition service, we got our baby chickens & finally got around to putting seed in the birdfeeder.  Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you more.  Come walk with me...

*  We meet some of our neighbors during the yard sale.  Kevin enjoyed wheeling, dealing, talking to everyone & getting rid of stuff.  The property came fully furnished with lots of good stuff we didn't necessarily need or want.  Brother-in-law & Daughter added a few things to the sale.  Overall, the sale was a success.  Not a lot of people but did get rid of a lot of stuff. Kevin took some remaining stuff into town & sold to an antique shop, some stuff he donated to the Veteran's thrift store & unfortunately some things went to the dump.

There was interest in the camper but no taker yet.  We think when the camper
 gets fully mobile again & ready to pull away that we'll have better luck selling it.

The one item she chose
 to keep for herself.

*  Nana Grandjoy Camp Run-A-Muk - Grand spent a couple of nights to help around the house & with the yard sale.  One of her jobs was checking on Pa & taking him snacks. There was cookie & mud pie making accomplished.  The flowers got lots of watering using the fresh creek water. 

Ivy (mountain laurel) in bloom beside the house. Cardinals,
tufted titmouse, doves & chickadee are birds that visited the
bird feeder that we were able to identify.

*  Daughter's church had a graduate recognition service for the upcoming high school graduators that attend their church regularly or occasional.  Grand & his Girlfriend were included in the honorees.  It was a good service advising the graduating teens & all of us to keep our values & stay away from the misuse of drugs & alcohol.  Each graduate got a leather-bound study bible from the church & many money filled cards from individuals.  Son-in-Law cooked his delicious smash burgers recipe to go along with other delicious fixings prepared by the church ladies for a delicious meal & fellowship after the service.

* The chickens Kevin ordered arrived safe & sound.  He waited not so patiently for the Post Office to call.  The chicks were chirping loudly upon arrival. Their little bodies felt warm as we opened the shipping box to take a quick peek at what we got before transferring them over into the brooder box.  Kevin took the babies out one at a time.  He dipped their beak in water to be sure each one got its 1st drink.  Then he scratched their feed trough to help them find their food.  Once a few started eating the rest followed.  The brooder box Kevin made out of the shower he took out of the bathhouse worked perfect.  The chickens were shipped from Iowa.  Kevin chose 6 varieties.  There were assorted wyandottes, cochin variety pack, midnight majesty marans, olive egger, salmon faverolles & speckled sussex.


Yard sale items were traded for Black Australorps.

These are some of the 
things that's been going on
in my neck of the woods,
how has your week been?


  1. Congrats to your grandson on his graduation! Your granddaughter looks adorable and how good is it that she helped you around the house and the yard sale. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. Have a great week ahead!

  2. Nice bunch of baby chicks! Glad the sale was a success! Congratulations to your Grandson on his Graduation!

  3. These posts are always fun catch-ups!! We are having a yard sale next weekend. Hope ours will be successful. I am about to the point that if someone will take it, they can have it!! Glad you sold quite a bit of stuff.

    Love seeing the chicks. They are so softy and sweet. Using the shower for them was a great idea. Hope you will keep sharing photos of those cuties are they grow.

    Congrats to all the graduates. Sounds like they were well celebrated. Hey, you look super!! This new life is agreeing with you. And green is such a pretty color on you. That grandbaby is a doll. Would like to snuggle her. I bet she's a good hugger. And a good helper.

  4. I love yard sales...having them and going to them. I'm not good at wheeling and dealing. Awww I loved making mud pies and playing in the creek growing up. I go to the POst office to pick up mail for our business, and I love when I walk in and hear all the baby chicks.

  5. Sounds a very busy week you had! I think it is lovely your daughter's church celebrates the youth who are still a part of the community - it is challenging to keep these younger ones with us.

  6. Those baby chicks are so cute! I think it is such a sweet idea that the church honors those graduating and has a little ceremony just for them. Congrats to your grandson.
