Friday, May 31, 2024

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia. How you doing this 22nd week of 2024? It's 52 degrees here this Friday morning. We've had a couple of chilly mornings the past couple of days. I just completed the last walk of my 31-day walking challenge for May. I walked every day except on Mother's Day. Me & Kevin had a good day fishing on the Lake & went to the rodeo. Me & Moma postponed our day going to cemeteries. We had a thunderstorm pass through that did a smidge of damage around our place. Our driveway was blocked & our power was out for about 8 hours. The power meter box to the workshop had to be repaired before the power could be turned back on down there. We put more strawberries in the freezer. I made another strawberry pie. Searching for recipes that uses frozen strawberries is on my to-do list. Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you a little more about these things before heading out to a family picnic this weekend to celebrate my last day of work & the Grand's last day of school for this school year, come walk with me...

I did it. I made it to 30 years.

Happy FriYay! It's the last day
 of my work career. 

Kevin noticed these Indian Pipes
while we were exploring around
the lakebed. There were lots
of them.

*  We brought home 6 fish from the lake. Kevin cooked burgers. I made squash casserole. We had a picnic out on the front porch to kick start summer & to celebrate our freedoms, remembering Fallen Heros that gave their life. We went to the rodeo since Kevin got tickets from Employer being a sponsor. 

My original recipe for squash casserole don't call
for the bacon & sour cream like this one in the
church cookbook does. Yeap, it was a delicious
addition that made a difference.

Fairgrounds where the rodeo took place.

I tried some of Jerrie's kettle corn
 at the rodeo. I went to school
 with Jerrie & her husband Jamie.
They have a good thing going with
this kind of popcorn. Glad I just
got the small bag. I would have
ate every kernel no matter what 
size of bag.

Pausing for a few moments at the
Veteran's Memorial at the ball
fields during one of my
30-minute walks. "All gave
some, some gave all"

Walking the River Walk Trail.

*  The results from the 31-Day Walking Challenge of intentionally walking 30 minutes each day concluded with me being able to wear a pair of pants that had been previously too tight. I enjoyed walking 1st thing in the morning & want to continue that healthy habit into retirement for the exercise, sunshine & enjoyment of the outdoors.

Walking on our property.

Walking the Quanassee Path.

*  Here's a few pictures of the early morning storm that rolled through on the Memorial Day Holiday. I've got enough sticks to pick up that will last throughout the summer. Kevin hauled the bigger stuff with the tractor.
Even though the tree & branches blocking
our driveway was small, we were
concerned what might be on the roads
in other places for Me & Moma to
get out to go to cemeteries to view
grave decorations. We had already placed
our flowers though we wanted to visit
other family member's graves. 

The insides of the meter box
was damaged & had to be repaired.

"Rose, what do you think about the
power being out & we can't get out
of the driveway?"

This tree broke off about chest high &
fell over the iris. Good thing my car wasn't
parked there like I do sometimes.

The last day of my countdown to retirement.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?
My strawberry pie recipe.


  1. Congratulations on your retirement! Let the fun times begin!!

  2. You have walked many miles in that 30 years to get to retire

  3. Congratulations on your retirement. You did great with your walking challenge and an ideal way to jump start your retirement health goals.

  4. Congratulations on your retirement! Make walking a part of your morning is a great idea. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  5. Great job on your walking challenge. I'd love to retire too. The casserole sounds interesting. I haven't been to a rodeo in a long time. I'd like to go again.

  6. Congratulation on your retirement!!
