Friday, July 5, 2024

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia. How you doing this 27th week of 2024?  It's been hot around these parts. July is my birthday month. I share it with Granddaughter in Law & soon to be Great Grand that's due date is this month. I picked & gathered more stuff out of the garden this week & cooked up another mess of green beans. Kevin cooked the fish we caught. It was all so good. I took Moma a mess of beans & some of the other stuff out of the garden. I had a doctor & a dentist appointment this week. The results from walking 30 minutes most every day, getting more fresh air & sunshine, drinking more water, cutting back to very few sweets & eating less portions have paid off, though I've still got lots more work to do in self-care & keeping up these habits. I had a crown come off one of my teeth a few weeks ago while eating noodles, of all the things. I was able to save the crown & get it successfully put back on. Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage & I'll tell you about fixing onions, going to the farmer's market & fishing on the lake, let's go see what's growing in the garden...

Kevin is not sure what this is.
He said he didn't plant it. Perhaps
a mishap in the seed pack. It 
seems to be some type of
winter squash. There are
several of them on it's vines.
The 6 green bean plants were loaded.
These are tenderettes, a type of bush
bean. Kevin has had good success
 growing these stringless beans for
 years & they taste good too. 

*  Kevin gathered up the onions from the garden & washed them off. I only cried one time during the whole ordeal. I chewed gum to help hold the tears back while cutting up the onions. Years ago, I heard that it helped. When I was a kid there was no way, I was going to eat an onion, now look at all this onion deliciousness.

There were several bags of each - sliced,
chopped & diced.

Some were cooked for supper.

*  Me & Kevin went to 3 different produce stands/farmer's markets. Kevin was looking for some more plants for the flower gardens. I went along to get the biscuit from Bojangles.
I talked with this vendor for a
while about her crafted items &
Baby Bigfoot.
We brought home fox glove, hollyhock,
sedum, a couple more daylilies &
another rose bush.

These are the famous Georgia peaches.
I got a small bowl. We ate a couple &
 I froze the others with thoughts to make
 peach milkshakes real soon. I need to
see about getting a blender.
There were all kinds of good looking
veggies compared to what we're getting
 out of our garden, so we didn't get any
 of that kind of stuff.

I got some honey for my coffee, a loaf of bread
compared to a bagel that I thought I'd like to try,
cookies because they looked so good & the radishes
because Kevin didn't plant any & he likes them.
Kevin ate his radishes raw. I baked mine along with
 some squash. Yum! 

*  We had a good relaxing morning boating & fishing on the lake. We caught a mess of fish & enjoyed a nice little boat ride around the lake before the water got too busy & rough. 

We got to the boat ramp before daylight
 & no one else was there yet.
We took a break from fishing & ate
 breakfast in the boat as the sun was
coming up. We had the bagel bread
from the farmer's market with
 peanut butter & some of the
strawberry jam that had I made.

This is what I fish with.
 A spinner or a jig.

This is what Kevin fishes with.
A fluke or he's apt to try anything
else that's different that he has in
the tackle box.

Kevin had this going on with his pole.
I'm glad that it was a laughing matter.
Me laughing from the back of the
boat more than him laughing
up in the front.
Exploring the underwater,
back in a shallow cove.

I made a tator tot casserole.

Kevin cooked fish fillets
for supper.

I picked some flowers to enjoy
while we ate supper out on
the porch.

These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been?

Happy 4th of July. Daughter & Grands
come over for a picnic & playing 
in the creek.


  1. Happy 4th of July! You are enjoying retirement!! Good for you!

  2. What a lovely week! What are you looking forward to the most to do more off now when you're retired? It seems like you have so many good things going on :)
