Friday, July 26, 2024

Happenings on the Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello there Adventurous Friends & Family, greetings from Georgia. How you doing this 30th week of 2024? It's been a rainy week. There have been lots of interesting mushrooms & fungus popping up. I did some Christmas shopping this week. Amazon Prime Days may be a gimmick for some, but I got almost all my Christmas stuff bought up. When the packages started showing up on the porch, Kevin asked if I'd went on a shopping spree. Well... Yes, Yes I did. I had in mind the things I wanted to get, so I got them. It's a nice 71 degrees here this Friday morning as I get the supplies ready to make the blackberry jelly this weekend & then I'm going to go check out the food truck event. Grand stayed a few days this week & caught the biggest fish, he was very happy about that. We all caught fish & Kevin cooked them for supper. Grab a coffee or your favorite beverage, how about a coke float & I'll tell you a fishing tale or 2. Let's walk down to the pond & see how it's coming along...

The knockout roses are making
another round of blooming

Kevin has been working on a walkway
between the spring & the pond. The pond
still isn't holding water. Kevin says we
need some of that red Georgia clay to
put down there on the end where he took
out some big rocks.

The pond & spring has lots of tadpoles. I
saw the cute little frog in the spring
that might be responsible for this.

*  During hot weather the fish don't bite too good. We were out on the lake before daylight while the air was still cool & comfortable. The water temperature was around 83 degrees. A lot of fish seemed to be down 15 to 20 feet. It rained several times while we were out. The water felt extremely warm against the damp cool air & the cold rain. We had a picnic breakfast of Kevin's famous breakfast sandwich (grilled spam, egg & cheese). We sat in the boat under the canopy during the rains. We watched a bold eagle fly around the lake diving for fish. Grand fished hard. His patience ran thin a few times. He may have grumbled a time or 2 & shed a few tears but in the end his endurance paid off with catching the biggest fish. We caught 5 fish all together, 3 spotted bass & 2 catfish. I was fishing with worms & caught the 2 catfish. When the rain clouds cleared, the sun came out & started heating up, it was time to head home.
He's a pretty good garden
 picker helper & badminton
 player too.

It was still a good fishing day, fishing
between the downpours of rain.  I kept
 a worm out most the time, just
in case I would get a bite.  

*  I put up some more onions from out of the garden. I cooked some of the onions for supper & put the others in the freezer. 
As I was finishing up my morning walk,
I picked a small handful of blackberries
 to take in & have with breakfast along 
with some tommy toes.

Onions from the garden... the supper table. Baked onions with cheese

Summer Day Camp - Library
story time, picnic in the park &
playtime on the playground.
These are some of the things that's been going on in my neck of the woods, how has your week been.

Kevin requested an egg custard pie to
use up some of the eggs.


  1. It was 110 yesterday! Pretty warm & no rain for weeks! It is cooler this morning & may get a 15 min shower! We just finished our 100 yr all school reunion & it was a success, even with the heat! I better get my chores done, I sit at the museum today while Gene golfs in Bowman.

  2. It has been very hot and dry. No beautiful flowers like yours this year. The Little Missouri is very very low. Summer is rushing by and soon we will be complaining about the cold🙃

  3. Wow - Christmas shopping! You are prepared.

  4. Christmas shopping good for you! It is warming up here in Minnesota..the dog days of summer we call them.
