Sunday, January 3, 2021


Kevin & I slept in till a little after 8.  That's sleeping in for us.  I was awake at 4:30 & ready to have my coffee.  Apparently I convinced myself that I didn't need to get up that early & went back to sleep.

Kevin loaded up the side by side after breakfast.  I fixed our lunch last night so I would be ready to go when Kevin was ready to go.  It was a nice day for a picnic.  The sunny day temperature reached 50.  

I've got a full work schedule for the week.  I prepped taco soup to be cooked in the crockpot that we'll eat on for several days.  I used leftover pinto beans & chicken from our weekend meals.  I left the pantry doors open while gathering ingredients, chopping & mixing.  Rose helped herself to not 1 but 3 potatoes.  Daughter said her Boston (Rose's mother) would get the bread if it was left out.  The Boston we had when Daughter was growing up, would eat crayons then produced rainbow colored poop.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

We did some riding.  There was snow in places.

We did some walking.  The pond was froze over.

We saw 2 porcupines.  Rose found one while we were
walking.  Luckily Kevin got her away quickly.  We saw 
this one along the side of the road while riding.  

Our picnic basket was a reused chip bag.
Lunch was chicken sandwiches, chips &
Jello strawberry cheese cake cups.  Kevin
heated up the chicken on his little camp stove.


  1. Happy New year! Oh those porky pines can be bad news for dogs. We are warm here too for this time of year...and we are enjoying it! :)

    1. Back in the south we had possums. Porcupines are slow moving like possums & just hide instead of playing dead. Between here & there, we've seen armadillos dead on the roads.

  2. What a nice outing. My pup would eat Hershey's kisses by the bag full. I know dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate but she did and never seemed to be bothered by it. We had little paper banners that said 'kisses' all over the yard.

    1. We do enjoy taking a ride, doing some walking & having a picnic. It's our therapy. Though I don't like to do it much when it's freezing miserable cold, but we do try to get out at least once a weekend.
