Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Tidy Tuesday

Daughter got this cute bassinet
at a thrift store along with the 
bumbo seat.
I had the day off work.  I'd taken a couple weeks away from writing to reset, rethink & recharge after I was given an Investigate Interview at work.  I've been communicating with the Union to help put things into perspective. There is a follow up meeting set for next week so I'll see how that goes.  

We visited with friends over the weekend that came to the area to interview for a Ranch Hand job, check out the area & tour the school.  The kids seemed delighted there was Legos & popcorn at our house their 1st night of vacation.

I made blueberry muffins for breakfast.  Kevin cooked the eggs.  Kevin went in to work a little early to blow snow off the sidewalks before others arrived. Snow removal is part of his job.  That means going in very very early some snow days to clear the parking areas.  Snow flurried all day.

Did a load of laundry & hung it up on the cloths line in the basement to dry.  I had to put on a jacket cause we have the heat turned way down in the basement since we're not using that area of the house right now.

Cleaned the bathroom my version of top to bottom.  I tidy the bathroom most everyday & clean it on Fridays.  Several many Fridays have past without a cleaning, so today was clean the bathroom day.  I use newspapers instead of paper towels to clean the mirrors.  Newspapers are more streak & lent free.  Also the papers are free weekly boxholders we get in the mail whether we want them or not.  One paper has the grocery store sale flyer.  The Culinary Circle pizza we like is on sale this week 2/$10.  Kevin looks for auctions & ads in that paper that he's sometimes interested to know about.  

Worked on getting Valentines ready to mail to the Grands.  I ordered them all Crocs shoes a couple weeks ago with part of my Stimulus.  Took Rose out for a mid-day potty & quickly realized how cold it still was.  I wasn't dressed to stay outside long.  Made myself a cup of warm spiced apple cider & got caught up on balancing the check books.  Opened mail & paid a few bills.  Got property tax notice that's due in April.  Wrote letters to the younger Grands that don't have phones. I text every couple of days with the older Grands that have phones.  Supper was green beans & tators cooked in the pressure cooker along with pork chops for seasoning.  Opened a jar of canned carrots for another side of vegetables. 

Now to read when, how & what to do with the Cologuard collection kit the UPS lady handed me.

Grand #8.  Daughter & Son-in-law are not going to find out
the gender & let it be a surprise for everyone.  5 year old
Grand said it's a girl because it has pigtails.


  1. You have a good routine going and keep very busy. Crocs are nice gifts for Valentines. I need to think about what to get in the mail this weekend to my daughter and son-just something to let them both know we miss an dlove them. I'll hav emy daughter who's local over for dinner and a vegan desert of some sort.

    1. I wish I could stick to the routine. In between cleaning, I find myself reading blogs. Sometimes I sent the timer on the stove for 30 minutes to make sure I don't end up sitting around all day reading. I hope the Crocs arrive to the Grands in time for Valentines. I got the order confirmation email but not heard anything since. I'm sending some candy too, of course...hehe! No matter how old they get, still got to send them love on Valentines Day.

  2. Love the pigtails. My first daughter looked like she had a third leg so we were sure she was a boy. Not!! Congratulations.

    Glad you enjoyed your weekend company. I am hanging clothes to dry on my drying rack in the garage this winter but it has been so cold lately that they would have frozen. Back to 60* tomorrow. Yay!!

    1. It's supposed to warm up here too, maybe not quite in the 60's. I thought maybe by accident Daughter would find out the gender when having the ultra sound, moving the wand all around & all that. They told the technician 1st thing they didn't want to know the gender, so the technician avoided that area.

  3. Congratulations on the new grand! Boy or girl it will be a blessing!
    Sure hope you get your work situation resolved. Not fun to have that to think about.
    Stay safe out there! :)

    1. Thanks! I'm sure all will be resolved at work in time. Seems the boss is having issues outside of work & taking her anger & frustrations out on me. I'm trying to practice my patience & have tolerance also while taking measures with the Union to help get things resolved on my part.

  4. Congrats on the newest family member! I'm kind of relieved to hear that I'm not the only one that doesn't get around to cleaning the bathroom each week. I too try to keep it cleaned up each day and have plans to do a good/ real cleaning once a week but that just doesn't always happen.

    1. Thanks, we're all excited about getting a new baby. I do good with my cleaning schedule for a while then other times, it gets put on the back burner. Jan & Feb I kinda get into the winter blues rut.
